Once in a “blue moon,” we gaze up at the sky and see another full moon in the same month, like the one appearing this July 31st. It is a moon shrouded in mystery, magic and folklore, perhaps because it only appears once every 2.7 years. The very term “blue moon” is over 400 years old when Shakespeare first wrote the words “blue moon” to mean rare or absurd. The rarity of a full moon appearing twice in one month, or a third full moon appearing in an astronomical season with four full moons versus the normal three, must have inspired the great playwright to coin the term.
The earliest calendars known to humankind marked the passages of the moon. The phases of the moon helped people see the change of seasons. Or helped them make plans for the future. The moon was then regarded as a grand personage, God or Goddess. So it is not surprising that when ancient people saw an “extra” full moon it would spark their imagination, thus creating stories, legends and superstitions.
In some cultures, the blue moon was considered the trickster moon. The faker, not the real full moon, but a mysterious doppelganger. In other cultures the blue moon was considered fortunate, something to celebrate, and a perfect time to start a long-term goal or make plans for the future.
This rarity in the sky has been the basis of myths, legends, and superstitions throughout the world for centuries. The following superstitions are some I heard about, and others I’d read in a rare book titled: The Encyclopedia of Signs, Omens, and Superstitions, by Zolar.
Here are 10 Blue Moon superstitions that have survived the ages. Take them all with a grain of salt. Some are credible and others pretty incredible, like the following:
1. It is unlucky for girls to stare at a blue moon or they will become pregnant by the moon and the child will be a monster.
2. It’s a great idea to pick flowers and berries during a blue moon, as it will bring more abundance, love and beauty into your life.
3. If you see a full moon and it is a blue moon (or second full moon in a month), take a coin in your pocket and turn it over for good luck.
4. If you want to have a baby, be sure to turn the bed down during the blue moon so that you’ll be more fertile.
5. If a member of the family dies during a blue moon, three more will follow.
6. If you sleep with the moon on your face, particularly a blue moon, you may go insane, so blinds were drawn or windows should be closed during all full moon phases (to prevent lunacy).
7. Old gangsters believed if you attempt a robbery on the third day of a blue moon, it will fail. Best not to rob anything at all.
8. If a person becomes ill during a blue moon phase, he will die in 8 days.
9. Looking at a blue moon through glasses or any glass item is considered bad luck for 30 days.
10. To get rid of a wart, blow on it nine times while the blue moon is full.
Although these superstitions seem pretty silly by today’s standards, the fact that they still exist should be considered extraordinary. People still believe in the magic of the moon, its fertility. Some still plan pregnancies during moon cycles, and farmers and gardeners plant crops according to the cycles as well.
Among the metaphysical or spiritual community, particularly wiccans and pagans, a blue moon is a powerful moon. This is usually prime time for rituals for prophecy and protection. It’s also a good time to perform rituals to attract a new job, healings, love, legal undertakings, money and dreams.
So if you are looking to improve your luck or to finish a long-term goal, don’t worry about the ancient superstitions! Instead, focus on this full moon as a lucky one and the beginning of a great new journey for yourself.
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