The Basics
What time is the Spring Equinox?The Spring Equinox occurs March 20th, 2016 at approximately 4.30am (GMT) which is 11.30pm on March 19th New York time.
What happens during the Spring Equinox?
This equinox heralds in the beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and at this date, day and night are meant to be of equal proportions as the sun moves across the celestial equator from south to north. It also heralds the Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.
Spring Equinox Meaning – an Astrological Event
The new astrological year also begins on the Spring Equinox as the Sun, having completed a year of travelling through all 12 zodiac signs and coming back to zero degrees of Aries, begins a new cycle through each zodiac sign.
Spring Equinox Rituals
Preparing for Your RitualWith the above in mind, you may already have guessed that the 20th March is a great day to not only shake off any winter doldrums you may have been experiencing but also to look towards what you want in your life. Just as Farmers have for centuries planted their Spring crops in time for Summer harvest, you too can use this time to plant the seeds of change in your life to either take you in a different direction or to use as a good spring-cleaning of your mind, body and soul.
It is good to have an idea of what you wish to bring into your life
Vision boards, meditations, journaling your goals can all work for you in this regard. Anything that gets you into the frame of mind of throwing out the old to make room for the new is a good idea. Your ritual is yours to design. But the last thing you want is to be tending the garden of your life with old weeds still hanging around in it that don’t seem to budge no matter what you do. This is the time for you to be planting new ideas that will bring growth to you and your life. Think big and give yourself the very best.
Wait till just after the Spring Equinox
You do not want to be working with the previous year’s energy. To help you on your way this year, there are a few planetary aspects around including Mercury moving into Aries a few days after the Spring Equinox, which should help to strengthen your ideas and goals.
Alongside this, there is also an eclipse on March 23rd, which, whilst traditionally, can be a troublesome time, it may also work to really shake your life up in a way that you have no choice but to make some changes that are long overdue. In fact, it may drag you kicking and screaming to make the changes, so forewarned is forearmed.
Manifesting your dreams
Grab yourself a good plan that you can stick to in making the necessary adjustment and changes that you feel comfortable with and plant yourself some new seeds in your life. After all, it’s the only life you have, so you might as well make the most of it!
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