His love can reach the peaks of Everest and the depths of the Ocean.
He both loves and hates this aspect of himself.
He both loves and hates this aspect of himself.
The duality that others see is not lost on him either. Can he turn on a dime? He sure can. But that’s part of the excitement, isn't it? If you’re drawn to him, you’re also a bit a thrill-seeker yourself. You don’t really want a happy go lucky, well-adjusted, bore of a man, do you? I didn’t think so either.
Dating a Gemini Man: Yoga of the Heart
Yoga is widely understood to be an experience that delivers inner peace by controlling the body and mind through breath control, mindfulness and, of course, stretching. You’re going to have to practice all of the above with your Gemini man. Emotionally, there will be roller coasters and that’s just the first date. Getting his attention is easy. Flirt with him. He has a terrible weakness for attention. A willing partner that throws some looks his way is usually enough to get him to strut his stuff your way.Once you’re in his sights, he’ll do his best to impress you with stories of his exploits. It’s vital that you nod and agree, showing more enthusiasm for every story. Just don’t lay it on too thick. He can be extremely insecure about whether or not you’re truly interested or just playing his ego. So he’ll be looking out for signs of inauthenticity.
Once he’s shared his greatest exploits, he’ll open up about his fears and unresolved emotional hang-ups. This is where mindfulness and emotional flexibility come into play. You’re going to need a lot of inner poise. Even as he’s trying to impress you, he’s also watching your every move. He has a very large but sensitive ego. Say the wrong thing at the time and he’ll drop you like a hot spud.

Keeping up with the Kanye’s
Making this work is as much about you as it is about him. Now that you’ve mastered the art of standing on your head, your words, your actions and even something as simple as how quickly you answer a text, you can make a difference. He’s easily hurt. Take too long to respond to a message and you’ll get a good idea of what that looks like. He needs to know that you’ll want him, even when he’s at his worst. That no matter how poor his behavior the night before, that you’ll still be there in the morning. That your love is as strong as ever.
He can’t be a king without a queen by his side.
He knows that he’s prone to boneheaded moves. He’s been at this a lifetime, remember? He needs to know that you’ll stick around after another round of ups and downs. Let’s take a look at Kanye for instance. You would be mistaken to think that he’s with Kim because of how she looks. Sure, it’s a part of what drew him to her. But he is still with her because she supports him in whatever he does. He’s never wrong in her eyes. She makes him feel like he’s the king of the world.
Protective to a fault
They are ferociously protective of the women they love. Once you’re in, that’s it.
They will adorn you with the finest jewels,
put you in the biggest mansions,
elevate you to rightful queen of the world.
At least their world :)
put you in the biggest mansions,
elevate you to rightful queen of the world.
At least their world :)
Gemini men go over and above for those that they love. It’s in part to keep impressing you. They never tire of that. And it’s also in part to impress others. It’s important that everyone give you the respect that you deserve. To disrespect you is to disrespect him.
Gemini man in love: Never a dull moment
Never boring, always looking to maximize his time on earth, you’ll never be bored with him. You’ll know everything about him in no time. He’ll put you first and make you a real partner in his life.
Love with a Gemini man is like nothing else.
It will push you to your limits while introducing you to a whole new world of opportunities and experiences that you would not find with any other sign. He’s not for everyone. But for those who’ve heard his call, nothing and no one else will do.

A Prince of this world and the one to come
The artist Prince, whose music and artistry left an indelible mark on the world, was a Gemini. He was equally both male and female. The perfect example of someone whose mind could find balance in logic and chaos.He was a genius, way ahead of his time. He’s a prime example of the kind of man that you may come across. He didn’t take no for an answer. Signed record deal at only 18 years of age but had complete creative control over his music, from beginning to end.
Like most Gemini men, he hated working for anyone except himself. He was king of his world, master of his music, and not only danced to his own tune but also created a whole new set of tunes to practice his dance moves to.
With the Gemini man, it’s best to expect the unexpected.
And then keep your mind open, hold on tight and enjoy the ride.
It’s his world.
And then keep your mind open, hold on tight and enjoy the ride.
It’s his world.

Contributing advisor:
Divine Messenger Zuco
Divine Messenger Zuco
Gemini Compatibility with Other Signs
Know with whom you share the best and worst
relations with, based on your Zodiac Sign