Birthday Horoscope
Happy Birthday, Sagittarius! Your love path may involve important new faces entering your life. As for your career, you will have some important questions to tackle. Read on to find out what awaits you this exciting birthday year!
Sagittarius, you are likely to be ready for a change of pace after the major bumps in the love road of last year. The good news is that new options are awaiting you soon. Not only are there new romantic interests for you to meet, but new friends as well will be joining your social circle. It is likely that some of the choices you make this birthday year will be leading you to places and situations you never dreamed were possible. Satisfying your adventurous spirit is a great thing! As 2019 comes to a close, you may still be mourning an ex-lover. Not to worry though, for the fresh energy of 2020 has you looking forwards versus backwards. Once you get moving the right direction, you won't be reminiscing on the past.

Single Sagittariuses will be having excitement that comes with limited responsibilities. You will relish in being single and free, especially when your coupled up friends lament to you about their love life problems. These are issues you won't have to worry about (for now)! Even though you are technically single, you may find yourself in some awkward situations. Just say no to the love interests that come your way that have too much baggage attached to them. You will be able to find better love opportunities than your best friend's ex, or a player who can't even remember your name. As you get to the second half of 2020, you will be craving quality over quantity. Perhaps you will be ready to settle down with a special someone?

Attached Sagittariuses will not be having the same carefree attitude as their single counterparts. In fact, you may be having a negative attitude when February 2020's Mercury Retrograde has you ready to pull the plug on a relationship that is no longer serving your needs. Romance is waiting for you in abundance though, as you may wind up leap frogging to the next relationship versus staying single long. There will be new connections vying for your attention this birthday year. Your best romantic luck is not with exes or friends with benefits. Instead, new people that fascinate you will resonate with your soul the most. For some of you, the new connection will be the soulmate you have been waiting for. Keep your eyes open for ""The One"" as you trot through 2020.

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This birthday year you may be feeling less motivation to work than normal. There is something that may be feeling off when it comes to your ability to focus on your career path. Are you sure you are in the right field? If you take a vacation to clear your thoughts, you may be able to sort out what the issue is before you get too far into the new year. If you know that you are not going to be happy in your current position, you may want to cut your losses sooner than later. You should have plenty of time this year to re-assess what you want to do in life and how to reach your life goals.

As you get past the first quarter of 2020, you should be feeling back on track with your work-related energy. You are due for some progress on your career path, and may be taking on extra projects or side work. At times you may be getting drained from all that you do, but the final product is that you are getting a lot accomplished in a short amount of time. You can standout next to some of your peers, so watch out for jealous co-workers who do not appreciate how much you shine. Working with your creative skills or with your hands is encouraged this birthday year (even if it is just for a hobby).

Financially, you are not in a bad position this birthday year. You are still taking care of past debts, but you are able to enjoy and reward yourself more frequently than last year. You have likely learned some lessons the hard way when it comes to frivolous spending by now. If not, expect to be tempted by unhealthy spending habits. Those who are wiser when it comes to their money management will not have so much to fear. Your go big or go home attitude may result in some regrets in the coming months. Thrifty spending is encouraged this birthday year. Also, do not forget to pay back any loans from friends or you may start to face some tension over what needs to be paid back

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December 2019: It is a great time to go traveling and experience some adventures this month. You are definitely not feeling enthusiastic about your job or projects that need to be done around the house. Taking a break to "get away from it all" can help to adjust your attitude. The whole family will likely want to tag along on your trip (who can blame them?). Key Date: Travels around the beginning of December (1st-3rd) will experience the best luck this month. Journeys at this time are benefited by your adventurous spirit being ready to take on the world.

January 2020: You may be feeling hesitant about what to do next when it comes to your career path. The good news is that intuition is quite hot, currently! Trust your instincts and you will likely be glad that you did a year from now. This is not a month to stall and procrastinate further. Key Date: January 5th is a good time to sit down and plot out your future career goals. Figuring out what you want to accomplish now, will help you as opportunities approach you later on this year.

February 2020: During the month of love, you may be surprised when an ex-lover comes out of the woodwork looking for you. You may have a bittersweet reaction. However, leave your expectations for something serious at the door. This attention from your ex may not result in anything lasting. Key Date: February 14th will have you getting quite a few messages from your admirers. While you enjoy the attention, you may not enjoy the flaky vibe that you get from some of these people.

March 2020: Friends are leading you to new places and situations you have never been before. You may end up finding a new restaurant or hobby that ends up becoming a new favorite. Your social circle is expanding, so expect to see some of these new faces more frequently in the future. You are around positive new people that lift up your spirits. Key Date: The date of March 30th is a key day to spend focused on friendship. Spending a fun filled day or evening with your social circle will give you an energy boost!

April 2020: Your career is doing quite well this month. You are likely to get praise and recognition that may be long overdue! Don't behave too arrogantly, and this will earn you even more admirers in the long-run. This is an opportune time for serious conversations with supervisors or bosses about any ideas you have for your workplace or organization. Key Date: Plan for dates around April 5th for any big meetings or presentations that need to get done at work. Your energy is quite high around now, helping you to stay on your toes.

May 2020: You may be getting aggravated with a family member that is bumping heads with you. Communication ability is more strained at home right now, leaving you ready to fight to get your own way. Even if compromise is not possible, you may find a better solution than arguing with others. Turn to an older, wiser individual for some advice. Key Date: Your least ready to cooperate with others around May 24th. You may want to silence your phone and hibernate until you are feeling back to normal.

June 2020: Your love life may be making you a little depressed this month. Even if there is nothing to be directly sad about, you are just not feeling emotionally balanced as usual. You may be in need of extra attention and affection from a partner. If you speak up, they will be likely to listen to what you have to say. Key Date: The solar eclipse in Cancer on June 21st will interfere with your emotional stability. Whether you are feeling depressed or anxious, find a trusted companion to help you through whatever is troubling you today.

July 2020: You are wanting to get more organized and structured in your life. If there is a mess that has been bothering you for months (or years), this may be the best time to finally tackle this project. Expect to get a lot of items on the "to-do" list done this month. It may seem as if the work will never get done, but just take it one day at a time. Key Date: Your energy is highest around July 27th. If you need to coordinate a team to help you complete a major project, this is the day to get everyone to work.

August 2020: Your leadership skills may be needed as some stress faces you at the workplace. Issues with co-workers are arise and people will be turning to you for help. Expect to take the lion's share of the work, as you find that the only person you are able to count on right now is yourself. It is not a fair time for your career path, but it's not a good time to make waves either. The trapped feeling will not likely extend past August. Key Date: August 9th is when you are feeling most frazzled with work-related matters. Enlist a trusted buddy for help on this date, even if you just need someone to vent to about what is going on.

September 2020: Temptation with love may come at you in a surprising way. If you want to avoid drama, make sure to think about the consequences of your actions. It is likely that feelings will get hurt if you intend to make this a casual affair. Love interests may be getting more clingy and attached to you than you are comfortable with right now. Key Date: September 26th may be a stressful one when it comes to love. Watch out for miscommunication and misunderstandings that is out of your hands.

October 2020: You will be encountering some good luck with your financial matters this month. What you decide to invest or save at the present will pay off for you in the long-term. Your luck in general is higher than usual right now. Some of you may even experience a modest gambling or lottery win! Key Date: Your luck is highest around October 17th. Use your lucky streak to your advantage and increase your profits.

November 2019: Romance is where you have the most luck this month. This is especially true for attached Sagittariuses. Those in relationships will have an ideal month for commitment matters or taking next steps with their partner. Your partner and you are very much attune with one another. Key Date: The days around November 8th are optimal for serious conversations with your partner. Whether you just want a special date together or to propose, romance is in the air for you at this time.

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Written By Sonya Starr Angel
Sonya has over 20 years of experience using her gifts to provide psychic guidance and advice to her clients. She really cares about her clients and often forms deep relationships with them. A reading with Sonya will give you amazing insights and clarity.
Specializing in : Tarot Readings | Skills : Astrology / Psychic / Tarot
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Specializing in : Tarot Readings | Skills : Astrology / Psychic / Tarot
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Color: Purple
Gemstome: Topaz
Strengths: optimistic, cheerful, helpful
Weaknesses: restless, impatient, temperamental
Likes: traveling, adrenaline rushes, entertaining
Dislikes: sitting still, responsibility, clingy partners
Most compatible Signs: Aries and Leo
Least compatible Signs: Taurus and Capricorn
Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Tyra Banks, Brad Pitt, Jay Z, Katie Holmes, Jim Morrison, Jamie Foxx, Tina Turner, Anna Nicole Smith