How To Deal With A Breakup

Sonia Divine Messages
Top Psychic Advisor / 30+ Years of Experience / Holistic Healer
Top Psychic Advisor / 30+ Years of Experience / Holistic Healer

How To Deal With A Breakup How To Deal With A Breakup

Managing the Solitude

Whether you have dated for only a few weeks or several years, you have grown accustomed to always having someone around you, especially when you need them the most. One of the most difficult things that can come out of a breakup is that now you are spending more time alone, which can be incredibly daunting for most people.

You may know yourself as part of a couple, but do you know yourself as just “you”? Part of the process of getting over the breakup and managing the solitude has everything to do with

awakening your true self and taking control of your life. You Can Grieve

You may wonder if grieving about the end of your relationship is acceptable and the truth is that you can absolutely grieve right now. Anytime you lose something that is of a great deal of importance to you, you can allow yourself the moment to grieve about this loss. Only you know if grieving is right for your specific case as everyone is different.

By allowing yourself to grieve this loss, you will find that you can recover from the pain a lot easier. This is a crucial step in moving on from this relationship and finding new love eventually down the line. Just remember to avoid filling this void with another person on the rebound. That is not fair or healthy for either of you.

How To Deal With A Breakup How To Deal With A Breakup

How To Manage A Breakup


A breakup gives you the perfect opportunity to take care of yourself in a way that you probably did not have time for before. Use this time to recharge and come back even stronger. Create your own spa day, give yourself a manicure/pedicure, relax in a warm bath with Epsom salts and lavender oil. Let the flow of some Lewellyn healing music play with some candles burning and just ease your mind into a flow of focusing on a white light; the rest will help you drift to release the pain.

Do things for yourself that you used to never have time for and you would be surprised just how amazing you feel despite everything that has been going on. This is the time that you need to focus on you and your needs rather than all of that attention on a significant other.

Connect with Friends

It’s a surreal world right now and as you can’t go out for dinner or drinks, connect with some of your besties on Google Meet or FaceTime, or whichever social app you all use. Make some time for one another to have your own creative drinks and laugh about the good old days and how bad your hair has gotten during this time!

How To Deal With A Breakup How To Deal With A Breakup

How To Deal With A Breakup Alone

Look Closely At Yourself

You are not the same person that you were when you began this relationship. This is something that is very important for you to remember. You have grown as did your former partner - unfortunately, you two grew apart otherwise you would still be together. Awaken yourself to what your soul is now, what your self is now, and especially what you can control in life.

See in what ways you grew in this relationship so you understand what your expectations and wants are before you begin the next. You likely have very different goals and expectations now. This is your opportunity to really look at who you are on the inside so you can better convey that to the person that you meet next. This will also give you the confidence that you so desperately need during a time like this.

How To Get Over A Breakup

Find an Outlet

It is important to find something that will help you deal with your emotions in a positive way. There is often a lot of anger and sadness that is associated with a breakup and it can be very easy for a person to deal with these in an unhealthy way.

Take an online yoga class or a dance workout or find some other great workout that will allow you to channel these emotions while coming out a healthier you. If you are a more creative type, use this as your outlet by writing or painting. There is an outlet for everyone; all you need is to find the right one for you.

How To Deal With A Breakup How To Deal With A Breakup

Find Peace in Your Solitude

After all of this, by now you should be very comfortable with yourself to just be alone. Take solace in the quiet. Read a book or watch Netflix. You will quickly find that just being by yourself is a great thing for you.

This allows you to grow at your own pace on your own terms. This growth is so important to having a healthy and strong relationship in the future because you will be able to see things clearer now. You will know who you are and exactly what you want, which gives you a lot of confidence in yourself and gives you the strength to leave a relationship that is not meeting these needs for you.

Look Towards the Future

They always say that when one door closes, another even better door will open. It can be so easy for a person to think that they are going to be alone forever, causing them to feel incredibly sad. Who says that being alone is something that is a negative thing? As the confident person that you have just grown into from this process of managing your solitude, you will be okay whether you have a partner or not. You are more than just someone who needs someone else to feel complete.

You can now look towards your own future. What do you want in your life? Would you like to begin a different career path, one that you have been dreaming of for a long time? There is no time like the present to start working towards this goal. Do you want to settle down and start a family? If this is your goal, keep that in mind when you start dating again. Decide what type of partner you are looking for and other important ideals that you are aspiring towards and keep these ideals in mind when dating.

Breakups are very emotional times in your life that you can either let bring you down or use it as a way to help you thrive. This is a great opportunity for you to refocus your attentions on yourself so that you can reawaken the person inside who you were meant to be all along. You will grow more confident after your breakup and you will open yourself up to learn everything that you can about who you really are.
About Sonia Divine Messages
Sonia is an expert reader with over 30 years of experience in both spiritual readings as well as global coaching. She provides insightful conversations as a gifted empath to support you through emotional healing, positive energy reinforcement and spiritual counselling.
Specializing in : Psychic Readings & Spiritual Guidance | Skills : Emotional Healing / Mind Power / Spiritual Coach | Rate: Connect with me »
Specializing in : Psychic Readings & Spiritual Guidance | Skills : Emotional Healing / Mind Power / Spiritual Coach | Rate:
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