5 Myths About Love & Relationships - Get the Facts Today!

Laurie A. (Laurie Moore)
Top Psychic Advisor / Experienced Professional / Psychic, Telepath, Coach
Top Psychic Advisor / Experienced Professional / Psychic, Telepath, Coach
June's Readings
Top Psychic Advisor / 10+ Years of Experience / Natural Gifted Psychic
Top Psychic Advisor / 10+ Years of Experience / Natural Gifted Psychic
Top Tarot Reader / 20+ Years of Experience / Natural Intuitive Empath
Top Tarot Reader / 20+ Years of Experience / Natural Intuitive Empath
Fiona Beck
Top Tarot Reader / 15+ Years of Experience / Psychic, Life Coach, Teacher
Top Tarot Reader / 15+ Years of Experience / Psychic, Life Coach, Teacher
Immense Spark n Aura
Top Psychic Advisor / Natural Born Psychic / Psychic, Clairvoyant, Empath
Top Psychic Advisor / Natural Born Psychic / Psychic, Clairvoyant, Empath
Susan Speaks with Spirit
Top Psychic Advisor / 30+ Years of Experience / Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant
Top Psychic Advisor / 30+ Years of Experience / Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant
Insight from a Kasamba Psychic
Real Psychics Online / 20+ Years of Experience / 3 FREE Minutes
Real Psychics Online / 20+ Years of Experience / 3 FREE Minutes
Insight from a Kasamba Tarot Reader
Tarot Readings Online / 20+ Years of Experience / 3 FREE Minutes
Tarot Readings Online / 20+ Years of Experience / 3 FREE Minutes
Insight from a Kasamba Astrologer
Astrology Readings Online / 20+ Years of Experience / 3 FREE Minutes
Astrology Readings Online / 20+ Years of Experience / 3 FREE Minutes
Sonya Starr Angel
Top Psychic Advisor / 20+ Years of Experience / Clairvoyant Tarot Reader
Top Psychic Advisor / 20+ Years of Experience / Clairvoyant Tarot Reader
Divine Messenger Zuco
Top Psychic Advisor / 20+ Years of Experience / Psychic, Empath, Clairvoyant
Top Psychic Advisor / 20+ Years of Experience / Psychic, Empath, Clairvoyant
Top Psychic Advisor / 25+ Years of Experience / Professional Astrologer
Top Psychic Advisor / 25+ Years of Experience / Professional Astrologer
Top Astrologer / 30+ Years of Experience / Professional Astrologer
Top Astrologer / 30+ Years of Experience / Professional Astrologer
Julianna Day (Maureen)
Top Psychic Advisor / 30+ Years of Experience / Psychic, Empath, Clairvoyant
Top Psychic Advisor / 30+ Years of Experience / Psychic, Empath, Clairvoyant
Lotus Goddess Oracle
Top Psychic Advisor / Experienced Professional / Psychic, Healer, Empath
Top Psychic Advisor / Experienced Professional / Psychic, Healer, Empath
Top Psychic Advisor / Spiritual Healer / Astral projection, meditation coach, channeler
Top Psychic Advisor / Spiritual Healer / Astral projection, meditation coach,channeler
Top Psychic Advisor / Natural Born Psychic / Tarot, Palmistry, Reiki healer
Top Psychic Advisor / Natural Born Psychic / Tarot, Palmistry, Reiki healer
Top Psychic Advisor / 14+ Years of Experience / Psychic, Relationship Coach
Top Psychic Advisor / 14+ Years of Experience / Psychic, Relationship Coach
Sascha White Owl
Top Psychic Advisor / Angel & Animal Tarot Master / Animal Tarot,
Guardian Angel Tarot, and medium.
Top Psychic Advisor / Angel & Animal Tarot Master / Animal Tarot, Guardian Angel Tarot, and medium.

Now that we explored the popular myths about astrology and the effects of Law of Attraction, it’s time we dive directly into the most misunderstood basics of romantic love. These 5 thought-provoking and effective points can change your love life completely!

Myth #1 Love just happens

Whoever came up with Cupid misled our hearts into dreamy expectations. We’ve been disconnected from reality. Truth is true love doesn’t just happen - there are no magical arrows, nor does your Prince Charming come in the package you expect.

True love comes to those who are prepared to receive it. Are you prepared? Are you REALLY prepared? You know, prepared to take a chance, be vulnerable, get to know yourself better, acknowledge your imperfections, grow through your partner, experience pain at times, compromise, trust your experience and really let go?

If you are in the right place, you’ll attract the right relationship - one that’s worth it.

Myth #2 Real love is easy

Sure, falling in love with an attractive guy is easy. He enters the room, your heart skips a beat, you get excited and everything just feels magical. Everyone falls in this kind of infatuation because “falling” is easy. It’s “rising in love” that is the real deal and that needs work.

If the painful phases in your dating curve and in your long-term relationship challenge you to grow and bring you to a better place inside of you, it’s good pain. You’re rebirthing yourself into a new, more loving, more compassionate, better, bigger being.

It’s not easy but you are rising in love. The "pain" is worth it, because real love is supposed to change you. It’s not supposed to hurt bad, so if you find that your relationship goes in cycles with no growth or change, it may be time to rethink everything.

Myth #3 True Love is Always 50/50

Don’t you wish there was a machine that could gauge how many units of love a heart can produce? You’d whip it out on the first date, scan your date’s heart and not waste any precious time!

Unfortunately, there is no real way to know how deeply we’re in someone’s heart. We either feel loved enough or not. And this changes over time also. The solution is to accept that love isn’t 50/50 when things are rosy. And neither is it supposed to be tit-for-tat during a rough patch.

Score keeping doesn’t help anyone. If you feel that your partner is holding back from giving or receiving love, your best course of action is to openly and calmly bring it up. Forget about fifties and numbers - love should just flow freely.

Myth #4 Love is ALL you need

Not at all: even in clichéd fairy tales, love isn’t all that the princess needs. The plot has struggle in it. There are bad people, poisonous apples, and dragons to fight… There’s work to do.

This is true in real life also. Before any happy ending, a lot of experiences need to be lived, challenges need to be surmounted and the lovers need to be happy with each other’s tackling of these tasks. Both lovers need to be willing to grow and change.

As renowned psychologist Scott M. Peck famously put it, “Love is the will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth [...] Love is an act of will - namely, both an intention and an action.”

Merely having feelings of love isn’t enough. Are you and your partner both willing to extend yourselves through intention and action? The answer to this question lets you know if you have a future together.

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Myth #5 True Love Equals Compatibility

You are unique - you come with your own perks, qualities, ambitions, and things you need to work on. So does your partner. In the long run, feelings of love alone won’t be enough to sustain a healthy relationship between you two.

Compatibility is the fire that keeps love alive - without it, love extinguishes.

Do you prefer watching a thriller while he needs to jump off airplanes to feel alive? Do you have a dog while he has a pet tarantula? Do you prefer a stable desk job while he wants to travel the world and live on the beach?

You get the point: What does “living” mean to you, each? Can you imagine the same, or at least a similar future? True love isn’t blind - true love sees when things don’t work out. True love will ultimately make you do what’s right for you.

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Moving on…

You see him and “he is the one!” screams your intuition. How can you know if you’re hearing the right voice from within?

Next up - we’ll explore 5 myths that surround your intuition.

About Laurie A. (Laurie Moore)
Laurie A. is a gifted heart-telepath who has a background in psychotherapy & hypnotherapy. She is an author and has appeared on many top spiritual and main stream shows such as Beyond the Ordinary with John Burgos, CBS, Fox News, Ricki Lake, In the Company of Angels.
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About June's Readings
June is a gifted psychic who has extensive training in Tarot and astrology. Although she is new to Kasamba, she discovered her natural gift at age 12 and has been helping others with online readings for the past 10 years. She quickly became a Top Psychic and has recieved outstanding reviews.
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About Auromai
Auromai is a gifted Intuitive Empathic Psychic healer and guide. She uses a variety of tools to provide the answers you are seeking, including Tarot, EFT, Dream Interpretation, & Shamanism. She can help you clear past trauma and internal worries while connecting you with your true potential.
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About Fiona Beck
Fiona is a gifted Tarot reader who is also a Psychic Life Coach & Teacher. She aims to empower you to take control of your own life and destiny. She reveals the truth to help you transform and break negative patterns in a caring and sympathetic way. Specializes in Love & Relationships Readings.
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About Immense Spark n Aura
Immense Spark is a truly gifted natural born psychic who has great insight into people's lives. She uses her gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience along with hers skills in Tarot cards and astrology to provide answers and spiritual guidance in a compassionate, honest way.
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About Susan Speaks with Spirit
Susan has provided countless clients with spiritual guidance for over 30 years. She was born with clairvoyant, medium gifts and uses them to provide clear answers and connect with your passed loved ones. She is also a trained Reiki healer and meditation teacher focusing on the law of attraction.
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About Kasamba Psychics
Everyone has questions and needs spiritual advice sometimes. Our top psychic advisors are here to provide the guidance, answers and clarity you need, whenever you need it. Get 3 FREE minutes to try a live chat reading with any of our gifted psychics, astrologers, or Tarot readers today!
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About Kasamba Psychics
Everyone has questions and needs spiritual advice sometimes. Our top psychic advisors are here to provide the guidance, answers and clarity you need, whenever you need it. Get 3 FREE minutes to try a live chat reading with any of our gifted psychics, astrologers, or Tarot readers today!
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About Kasamba Psychics
Everyone has questions and needs spiritual advice sometimes. Our top psychic advisors are here to provide the guidance, answers and clarity you need, whenever you need it. Get 3 FREE minutes to try a live chat reading with any of our gifted psychics, astrologers, or Tarot readers today!
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About Sonya Starr Angel
Sonya has over 20 years of experience using her gifts to provide psychic guidance and advice to her clients. She really cares about her clients and often forms deep relationships with them. A reading with Sonya will give you amazing insights and clarity.
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About Divine Messenger Zuco
Zuco has been providing quality psychic readings for over 20 years, guiding his clients to the truth. He uses his gifts to help his clients find love, happiness, and fulfililng lives. If you want clarity about your love relationship, how to find your soulmate, or life in general.
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Specializing in : Love Readings | Skills : Psychic / Clairvoyant | Rate:
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About Chrisalis
Chrisalis is an experienced astrologer who specializes in love and relationships. She is also a natural clairvoyant, allowing her to provide psychic insight into your love life and astrology reading. She comes highly recommended as one of the best online psychic advisors.
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Specializing in : Love Readings | Skills : Astrology / Psychic / Tarot | Rate:
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About Melodie
Melodie has been a professional astrologer & spiritual advisor for over 30 years with experience in Tarot, numerology, feng shui and more. She is the perfect advisor for honest, reliable, and sincere guidance & advice, helping you to find your path and get clarity on how to change your destiny.
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Specializing in : Astrology Readings | Skills : Astrology / Tarot / Numerology | Rate:
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About Julianna Day (Maureen)
Julianna was born to a long line of mystics. She uses her gifts, spirit guide and Tarot cards to provide warm, caring readings that shed light on your daily challenges. A reading with Julianna will gently guide you find the right path and see your next step more clearly.
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About Lotus Goddess Oracle
Angali has used her psychic gift to help thousands of people find and manifest their truest dreams & desires. She is a compassionate, solution-oriented light worker who has been trained in various spiritual modalities for healing. For an amazing reading, contact her today!
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Specializing in : Angel Readings | Skills : Psychic / Healer / Tarot | Rate:
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About Alamay
Alamay is a psychic, spiritual healer, guide, and channeler. She is here to help anyone who wishes to grow and enhance their own spiritual skills. She believes everyone has spiritual abilities to unlock. Work with her to witness your true potentia
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Specializing in : Astral projection | Skills : Astral projection / Meditation coach | Rate:
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About Rozzebud
Rozzebud is a compassionate, yet direct reader. She teaches her clients how to balance the mind and the heart in order to find the truth in their life, relationships, and situations. Working with tools such as, astrology, tarot and oracle cards, her clairvoyant and claircognitive abilities will provide you clarity and you will not leave a reading disappointed
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Specializing in : Love Readings | Skills : Psychic / Tarot / Reiki | Rate:
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About Zoran
Zoran is a naturally talented love psychic who has an impressive 14-year history of providing psychic readings on Kasamba, helping guide thousands of clients on to their path of least resistance. If you're in search of answers about your romantic relationship, or life in general, Zoran the 'Love Psychic Investigator' is ready to help!
Specializing in : Love Readings | Skills : Psychic/ Love Coach | Rate: Connect with me »
Specializing in : Love Readings | Skills : Psychic/ Love Coach | Rate:
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About Sascha White Owl
Sascha graduated with honors from the University Of New England, earning a degree in psychoanalysis. Since then, Sascha has become a certified tarot reader and uses her natural gift to help connect people with real answers in all areas of their lives. Sascha is considered an angel and animal tarot master and specializes in connecting people with their spirit guides/guardian angels as well as loved ones who have crossed over. Compassionate and patient, Sascha delivers messages in a kindhearted and understandable way.
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Specializing in : Tarot Readings | Skills : Tarot / Psychic / Medium
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Next article: Is He the one? >>