Dear Cristina,
I feel so lost at this moment with everything in my life. For starters, I have two beautiful baby girls that I cannot provide for. I'm trying so hard to find any type of job, but I feel like I'm failing at everything that I do. I'm trying to stay strong through all of this, but it's so hard. The second thing is, I'm deeply in love with a great man, but I'm not really sure if he feels the same about me. I don't have any experience on being in a long-term relationship, so I don't know how to deal with certain situations when it comes to him. I do feel like he cares about me, but I don't really know if he wants to be with me. I would tell him to leave me alone, but he's still here. But then he acts like he doesn't care about me. I'm trying to be patient in both of these areas in my life, but I find it so hard right now. Is it someone else? Should I move on? Cristina, please help me to understand what it is that I am doing wrong.
With love in my heart always,
Blessings, Laquinta
First, you must believe and see yourself taking care of your children and finding the work you desire. I see you with a strong and capable spirit. You've accomplished many things already. Raising two beautiful children is no easy task. So instead of choosing desperation, choose inspiration. Get dressed up, visualize yourself working, and make it your job every day to just keep checking what's out there. Instead of saying "I cannot provide for," say "My time is coming, my blessing is coming." And hang on to that. When we say out loud or write that we cannot do something then the universe responds to that thought and action. See the good things of your life and focus on those, and a job will come just in time! I see you making it, you've done it before, and you'll do it again.
As far as the man goes, I don't see you with a lot of time to play games with a man who isn't giving you the love you deserve. Yes, you love him, but he doesn't give you an affectionate or stable situation at this time. This relationship is again about giving your all, only to come away feeling empty. You say you don't have experience with long-term relationships. That happens when you find the RIGHT man. And he will also come when YOU are ready. You say he doesn't leave you alone? You have the power to end that. All you have to do is cut him out of your life. It's in your hands. You can choose to continue the relationship as it is, or change it completely.
My prayers for your success are with you always.
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