The Six Of Cups: Tarot Card Meaning & Interpretation

Written By Advisor Fruno

If you were going to pull one Tarot card and seek guidance, the Six of Cups would not be the card you would be looking for -- the reason being that the Six of Cups in itself has no clear meaning. However, when you look at where the card is placed in a reading, such as the present, past or future position, a clearer interpretation becomes available. Also, the same is true when we look at what cards are associated with the Six of Cups.

Tarot Meaning- The Six Of Cups

Six Of Cups: Present Position In the present position, the Six of Cups reveals that trust is easily given instead of being earned. There is a real danger of being caught up in the moment so that consequences of one's actions may not be considered. Decisions are made out of emotions instead of being based upon logic.

Six Of Cups: Past Position

When the Six of Cups is in the past position, there is a cloud of protection which comes from wisdom. This knowledge will help keep you out of emotional harm's way. At the same time, life lessons from past relationships give way to an understanding of issues in your current relationship. However, there has to be balance between the present and past. While there are life lessons to be learned from the past, we should not judge those in our current relationship based upon actions from our past, as we would not want to be judged in this way ourselves.

Six Of Cups: Future Position

In the future position, the Six of Cups reveals positive changes will take place as time moves forward. This is true on all levels such as career, love, and finances. This is the time to enjoy our past efforts and patience. Good things come to those that can wait and so it will be with this minor arcana card.

Six Of Cups Upright Card Meaning

The upright card meaning of the six of cups generally represents a sense of nostalgia, vivid and prominent childhood memories that all lead to the past. Something promiscuous that happened in the past and still impacts you today. If you get this card as an upright position in a tarot spread, this means you need to dig a little deeper and see what events in the past still have an emotional hold on you today.

Another angle to look at is that it represents youth, playfullness, joy, and children in general. Which may also mean a new job with kids or that there’s going to be new additions to the family. While the six of cups can have multiple meanings, only a true and trusted Tarot reader would be able to fit the hidden meaning and message in a rightful way.

Six Of Cups - Love Upright Card Meaning

In simplistic terms, if you get this card during a love tarot reading, it can indicate that you and your current partner have been in love since a really young age. This card bursts with youthful love but also, it can indicate the start of a family or motherhood. On the flip side, this card can depict immature conflicts within your relationship. It also can bring up the immaturity of an ex and how it still affects your current relationship.

Six Of Cups - Career Upright Card Meaning

If you get this card dring a career tarot reading , then it basically shows that there’s a good opportunity coming your way. If there’s an upcoming project, then this is the perfect time to let your creative juices flow and shine bright amongst your coworkers. In terms of gifts, the six of cups can indicate a gift will be givn to you soon, and in career terms, it may be a promotion or a bonus.

Six Of Cups Reversed Card Meaning

The reversed Six of Cups tells us to stay in the present and not to get caught up in the past. In the area of love, such as in committed relationships, it is time to deal with life issues which have been avoided. The time is now to make efforts both with love and work. Trust your inner voice but when you sense a need for assistance, ask for help. This is especially true in the area of finance and work.

Six Of Cups - Love Reversed Card Meaning

With matters of the heart, the six of cups that comes up reversed in a Tarot spread can indicate no spark in the relationship; this may be temporary but nevertheless, the issue needs to be addressed before it dwindles downhill. If you’re single, it shows that soon enough, you will finally meet someone special and perhaps even marry. In terms of the past, this card can represent a form of triggers from childhood trauma that affects your relationship today.

Six Of Cups - Career Reversed Card Meaning

If you get the six of cups reversed, this indicates (just like with love) that you are feeling bored at work and you need something new and exciting to get that ball rolling again. If you are currently in the midst of changing careers or jobs, this tarot card means that you are probably moving ahead to greener pastures, with maturity and your head held high. If you’re still young and depending on your guardians or parents, this card shows that soon, you will be standing on your own feet, financially.


There’s so many hidden meanings and messages when the six of cups comes up. Whether it be reversed or upright, during a past tarot reading or a future tarot reading, it’s a versatile card that needs to be interpreted correctly by a tarot reader with experience and intuitive control. The card itself reflects a child-like, joyous, and natural vibe but depending on your current life situation and state of mind, there could be a lot more meaning than what you may think. Chat to a real, trusted, and top-rated Tarot reader for the lowdown and what this card means for you, personally.