How To Do A Full Moon Tarot Spread?

Riley Mcgee
Top love expert / 20+ years experience Intuitive and empathetic
Top love expert / 20+ years experience Intuitive and empathetic

How To Do A Full Moon Tarot Spread? How To Do A Full Moon Tarot Spread?
A Full Moon Tarot spread is a specific type of tarot spread used to gain insight and understanding about events coming to a climax or resolution. Here is how you can perform a Full Moon Tarot spread:

  1. Gather your tarot deck and find a quiet, comfortable space to work in. Light a candle, incense, or use any other tools that you typically use for tarot readings.
  2. Focus your mind and set your intention. You can do this by taking a few deep breaths, meditating, or saying a prayer or affirmation to connect with your higher self and the tarot cards.
  3. Lay out the cards in a crescent shape to represent the moon. Start at the top of the crescent with the first card, then lay out the second card to the right, the third card to the left, and so on, until you have seven cards laid out in total.

Starting from the top of the crescent, read each card in the following order:

  1. The first card represents your current situation or the situation coming to a climax or resolution.
  2. The second card represents your emotions and feelings about the situation.
  3. The third card represents the challenges or obstacles that may be standing in your way.
  4. The fourth card represents the past influences that have led up to this moment.
  5. The fifth card represents the present influences that are shaping the situation.
  6. The sixth card represents the potential future outcomes of the situation.
  7. The seventh card represents the advice or guidance you should follow to navigate this situation best.

Reflect on what the cards tell you, and consider how the information can be applied to your current situation.

Remember, the most important part of a tarot reading is interpreting the cards in the context of your own life and experiences. Trust your intuition, and don't be afraid to ask for clarification or guidance if you need it.

How To Do A Full Moon Tarot Spread? How To Do A Full Moon Tarot Spread?

What kind of questions should I ask this Full Moon spread?

When performing a Full Moon Tarot spread, it's important to ask questions relevant to the current situation you want to gain insight into. Here are some sample questions that you can ask with this spread:

  1. What is the current situation, and how is it evolving?
  2. How do I feel about the situation, and what are my emotional responses to it?
  3. What challenges or obstacles are preventing me from resolving this situation?
  4. What events or experiences from my past have contributed to this situation?
  5. What factors are currently shaping this situation?
  6. What potential outcomes can I expect if I continue on my current path?
  7. What guidance or advice can the tarot offer to help me navigate this situation effectively?

It's also important to remember that tarot readings are not meant to predict the future with certainty but provide insight and guidance into potential outcomes and help you make informed decisions.

How To Do A Full Moon Tarot Spread? How To Do A Full Moon Tarot Spread?

Can you recommend me tarot readers from Kasamba?

Kasamba's tarot readers are thoroughly vetted and possess many years of experience. If you're unsure which advisor to choose, we recommend taking advantage of their 3-free minutes to find the perfect psychic match. Here are some tips when searching for a tarot reader:

  1. Read reviews: Look for reviews and ratings from other customers to understand the advisor’s background, accuracy, communication style, and overall satisfaction.
  2. Check credentials: Look for information about the reader's experience, training, and credentials. Some readers may have certifications or degrees in a related field, while others may have years of personal experience reading tarot cards.
  3. Look for a connection: It's important to choose a reader who you feel comfortable with and who you can trust. Check out the reader's profile and look for information about their philosophy, approach, and communication style to see if they align with your needs and expectations.
  4. Ask questions: Make sure you understand what you can expect from the reading. Don't hesitate to ask the reader any questions you may have about their experience and approach. It’s really important to feel comfortable and at ease before proceeding with the session.
  5. Try Kasamba’s 3-free minutes: Get to know your psychic at the beginning of the reading, familiarize yourself with their abilities and find out if they are a good fit for you.

Remember, the most important factor in any tarot reading is the connection you have with the reader and your own intuition. Trust your gut, and don't be afraid to try out a few different readers until you find the one that feels right for you.

How To Do A Full Moon Tarot Spread? How To Do A Full Moon Tarot Spread?

What is the difference between the Full Moon Tarot Spread and other popular Tarot spreads?

The Full Moon Tarot spread is just one of many different spreads that tarot readers can use to gain insight and understanding about a particular situation or question. Some other popular tarot spreads include:

  1. The Three-Card Spread: This spread is a simple and straightforward way to get a quick overview of a situation. The three cards represent the past, present, and future, and can give a general understanding of what has happened, what is happening now, and what is likely to happen in the future.
  2. The Celtic Cross: This is a classic spread that is often used for more complex questions or situations. It consists of ten cards, each representing a different aspect of the situation, including influences, obstacles, and potential outcomes.
  3. The Horseshoe Spread: This spread is often used to gain a deeper understanding of a specific question or situation. It consists of seven cards, each representing a different aspect of the question, including the past, present, future, and the querent's own thoughts and feelings.
  4. The Relationship Spread: This spread is specifically designed for exploring relationships and can be used for romantic, familial, or professional relationships. It consists of seven cards, each representing a different aspect of the relationship, including the past, present, future, and each partner's thoughts and feelings.

The key difference between the Full Moon Tarot spread and other spreads is the structure and focus of the reading. While the Full Moon spread is specifically designed to gain insight into situations that are coming to a climax or resolution, other spreads may have a different focus, such as exploring relationships or gaining a general overview of a situation. The choice of spread will depend on the specific question or scenario you want to explore and the insights you seek.

How To Do A Full Moon Tarot Spread? How To Do A Full Moon Tarot Spread?

About Riley Mcgee
Riley Mcgee is a longtime psychic and medium who has guided many people from their relationship woes. Being a love expert has given her first-hand experience in recognizing the warning signs and how to transform a relationship into something deeper and meaningful.
Specializing in : Love Readings | Skills: Top love expert / 20+ years experience Intuitive and empathetic | Rate:
Specializing in : Love Readings | Skills: Top love expert / 20+ years experience Intuitive and empathetic | Rate:
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